Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Chinese Families

Chinese families are known to be very strict but very tight. Respect for elders is demanded and ancestor worship has been practiced for many years. Look at the following questions and read about the composition of Chinese families, the titles of each member, the ranking, and other relationships. Reflect on these questions and write a journal. Make sure you follow the Rubric Sheet and you must have an opinion of your own regarding the topic. Then support that opinion by using examples. Opinions are ideas that can be "right" or "wrong" - but for this writing, your opinions are always "right" as long as you can back them up with facts. Facts are things that are "true" or "false." For example, it's a fact that the youngest child in a Chinese family is expected to serve the food at meal time.

Then read at least four other journal postings and respond meaningfully. "Good point," "Nice job!" won't count.

a. Who established the "family order"?
b. What do people do to show respect to their deceased?  What's behind "ancestral worship" and "respect to authority and elders"?
c. What family values do parents teach their children?
d. How important is education in China? Why?
e. How do you describe the relationship among the family members in a Chinese family?
f. Compare and contrast the western and Chinese family values. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

In your writing, you don't need to answer all the above questions. You only have to focus on ONE of your opinions and support it with facts. These questions are here to help you think cognitively on a high level above and beyond simple facts. A minimum of 250 words are required and make sure you spell-check before you post. Make sure you have a title for your writing.

Points will be deducted if your posting is late. This assignment is due by 7:00 PM Sunday 3-15-15.

Mr. Wang

I.      Step 1: Watch Videos and Reflect: (Due Date TBA)

1)Real Chinese, Part 1 - Being Chinese, Speaking Chinese (14:42):    
2)Real Chinese, Part 2 - Home and Family (14:33):
3)Real Chinese, Part 3 - Education and Jobs (14:24):
4)The world strictest parents (57:00):

World’s Strictest Parents                                                         Nide Mingzi: ____________

                              (10 points)
1.       List specific rules, routines, and other things that the Li’s children follow.
2.       List specific things that the British teenagers do that are not acceptable in the Li’s family.
3.       List specific things that the Li’s family does that your family don’t do.
4.       List specific things that the British teenagers do that are not accepted in your family.
5. What is the conclusion you will draw regarding the conflicts, resolution, and cultural differences?

II.      Step 2:  List as many details as possible by comparing Chinese value and your own family values based on the videos. If you feel you need more information, please research more and watch more videos to get ideas. Worksheet will be collected. (Do as homework: Date TBA)

III. Step 3: Read the Above Questions for Reflection: Write an insightful paragraph with a title following the Rubric Sheet –Post on the site listed above (Listed again for your convenience).  A good title could be, for example, "What is the Chinese Family Value and What Can We Learn from It" – But you can write on anything comparing Chinese and American education. (Due Date TBA)


  1. Please remember 7:00 PM Sunday is the deadline.

  2. Every culture is vastly different in many aspect so when two British teens lived with a Chinese American family for a week, there was a clash of culture. In Chinese culture, the parents, mostly the father, establishes the “family order.” Like the Li family will tell you, the parents are always right even when they are wrong. The children have no right to try and overpower the parents or even talk back. In my family, I always give my parents respect but when I correct them they do not get mad. There are many different ways that people show their respect to their deceased. Holidays like Dragon Boat Festival (Longzhou), Tomb Sweeping (Qingming), and Double Nine Festival (Chung Yeung). In all of these festivals it is tradition to pay your respects to the dead by visiting their grave or burial site. Here they will make food and even money sacrifices. To me this is silly to burn money but in Chinese culture it is very important so that the dead can receive these gifts and use them in their afterlife. Chinese families teach their children to respect elders, follow strict rules, and that education is omnipotent. Education is very prized because most of the Chinese parents never got the opportunities that they are giving their children. Their parents just want them to be the best they can be but they express that loving feeling with strict rules and harsh punishments. This makes for a harsh relationship between their parents and children. However, the children know subconsciously that all the harsh actions are just for love. Their relationship is bound with love and respect. This is just like my relationship with my parents. I respect them greatly for giving me food, clothing, and a house above my head. I am also grateful that they allow me to follow my own path and take responsibility for my own school work. There are always different ways of parenting but for the most part, Chinese and American methods are very different but both are based on love.

    1. The funny thing is sometimes the more the parents give, the less the children appreciate. Such is the case of the "little emperors" in China.

    2. While the parents may like it, I think that the "always right, even when wrong" philosophy is harmful to kids. In America, where we value freedom so strongly, we see less formality between parents and children. Interesting how this mirrors the political systems as well.

  3. Chinese-American culture is very different then American and British culture. In this movie we watched, these British parents seemed to be almost non-existent. These parents would let their kids swear, disrespect them, drink alcohol, smoke, and do drugs. All of these things that the British parents let their kids do, is unacceptable on all levels for the Chinese culture. In Chinese culture, the parents, teachers, and elders are always right regardless if they are wrong. Everything they say to do you must do. Education in China is your whole life. For example, if you do not get into a good college and thrive at that college, you will be a poor farmer or poor worker. If you succeed by going to college and graduating college, you will become a middle class or wealthy business person. In the American culture, you see high school drop outs becoming wealthy, but in the Chinese culture that does not usually happen. In America, if you get into a great college that does not always mean you will succeed and be hired. But, in china, if you make it to a great university you are almost guaranteed a spot in a wealthy corporation. In a Chinese family, it’s almost like it is a business type of relationship. In an American family, it can sometimes be more of a friendship then anything. In my opinion, there should be a healthy middle between the American family and the Chinese family. You should respect your parents but also be able to express your opinion in the household.

    1. I agree with your observations that the relationships among family members are different in different cultures; i.e., "business" vs. "friendship." However, the Chinese may not think that way and totally think the opposite is true. I think both cultures can learn from each other.

    2. I like how you compared the cultures to other things like buisness and friendship and you analyzed each culture very well and you used good evidnce and assetrions to support your claim.

    3. i like how you made the point about how in America you can be a drop out and still be a millionare but in china its hard to be succesful without being someone who went to a great college.

    4. Interesting that college always is a guaranteed job in China, while it's less sure in America. Maybe that's why college attendances are so low in America (combined with astronomical tuitions).

    5. Great post. I agree with your statement that in the Chinese culture it is more of a business friendship and how the parents want the children to have a successful life by pushing them.

    6. While I agree that in China getting into a great university gives you a great job, saying that high school dropouts in America stand even the slightest of becoming wealthy isn't true. Bill gates was a one in a million

    7. I liked how you explained how in america you can still become successful if you don't go to a good college, versus in China you have to go to a good college to become successful and become wealthy.

  4. In China, it is a tradition to show their deceased ancestors respect continuously over all the years after their death. The Chinese believe that upon death the person’s soul splits and half of it goes into a spirit tablet. Therefore, the Chinese put an ancestral tablet in an altar at their house with the tablets of other ancestors. They believe that by doing this they are unifying their ancestors in addition to honoring their family. They light incense before the altar everyday and make any important announcements in front of the altar as they also think that their ancestors are still curious about what happens on Earth. Offerings are like food and spirit money are given to altar twice a month and on special occasions such as the Ghost Festival and Qingming Festival. Often times, prayers are performed at the altars too. The belief that the living and dead must assist each other is behind the idea of ancestral worship in China. It is thought that if the living protect the graves and sustain the spirits of their ancestors, then in turn the deceased will bring them good luck and prosperity. The Chinese also honor the idea of filial piety, which is the belief that one must respect their parents. This idea comes from the teachings of Confucius. In my opinion, it is a good idea to show respect to your parents and elders. Though I feel that this is a good idea, I think that it should not be stressed as much as the Chinese stress it. I believe that kids should show respect to their parents and elders, but that there should not be too much emphasis placed on this idea, as people should naturally treat everyone with respect. The British teenagers came to stay with the Chinese family and they treated everyone, especially their parents, disrespectfully. During their stay they saw how polite the Chinese kids were with their parents and learned that is was wrong for them to treat their parents the way they did. For years, the Chinese have been big believers in the idea that elders should be shown respect, and so should their deceased ancestors.

    1. Sounds like the Chinese have a less concept of "equality" in family relationships whereas in the west, respect is mutual, regardless of the age, rank, and status.

    2. The Chinese culture seems to be very religious and unified in their beliefs about their ancestors and where they go after death. They think that they have to help out their ancestors even after their dead, and this seems a little bit crazy to me. I agree with you that everyone should get equal respect in a family, not just the elders.

    3. Introducing a religious tradition as a way to start your response was a great idea, not many people have done that. I have also noticed that Confucius can be be related to almost anything in Chinese, he's very respected.

    4. China is a very sacred place, and I thought you did a really nice job showing the culture behind the tradition. I learned that "fillial piety" is the belief that one must respect their parents in China. I thought this saying was interesting because it shows how the Chinese have much more respect than some other cultures like the British who don't have nearly as much respect for their elders.

  5. Tenzin Choedon
    Mr. Wang
    14 March 2015
    In the video we watched, my opinion is that it’s obvious that family has a great deal of importance in Chinese culture but I will be going more in depth into the background of this topic. Family order and communal behavior was learnt and established by the Chinese through the philosophy of Confucianism and was greatly influenced by religion. A practice people do in China to show respect to their deceased is installing an ancestral tablet at a household alter alongside other deceased ancestors. This symbolically unifies the ancestors and honors the family lineage. “Ancestor worship” and reverence to family are fundamental elements of Confucianism. The family values taught by the parents to their children are gender roles; featuring very clear-cut, different roles and right for women and men. Marriage is also taught being very important because its a huge portion of the population lived in rural environments for so long, getting married and having children would imply that you’re successful. Also, the children are taught to respect your elder and never talk back, even when they’re wrong, they’re right. Western ideas have changed the traditional values in China today by the way children act nowadays. Before the Western influence, the children were more focused on their own cultural beliefs but now, some children are rebelling more often from their responsibilities and this is also due to the new technology. Confucius is still relevant today. The basic goal of Confucianism is to live in harmony with the way of heaven by carrying out the duties and responsibilities appropriate to one’s position in society. So, in modern China, the people still follow the rituals that involve Confucianism for when a loved one has passed. The comparison between the Western and Chinese family values is that in China, the extended family is valued and supported. Elders are respected and cared for, while the young are nurtured and cherished. Inter-dependence is encouraged among family members. On the other hand in the West, nuclear family relationships are nurtured above all others. The goal of the family is to promote happiness for each individual, and to encourage independence. The advantage of the Chinese family values is that everyone relies on everyone within the family making life a little easier. The advantage of the Western family value is that people gain independence, which is always a great quality to have in a person. The disadvantage of the Chinese family value is that you must respect every one who is older than you, which is not always a good thing because of the bad people out in the world. The disadvantage of the Western family value is that there are often negative family tensions. There is always someone who hates each other within the family.

    1. Having experienced both cultures, I think your discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of both cultures are true, and perhaps a happy medium would be good for both cultures.

  6. Importance of Education in China
    Mr. Wang
    Chinese Period 6
    By: Emma Paynter
    Education is crucially important to the Chinese people and their culture. In fact, China has the largest education system out of all the other countries in the world. 99.7% of all the people in China have had nine years of schooling, compared to in the United States where only with only 90%. I think that it is very important for a country to be smart so that people can work hard to get good jobs. Also, this means that a country can have many doctors to save people’s lives because doctors have to go to school for a long period of time. Overall, Chinese education keeps on improving its quality and increasing. Education in China began in the Xia Dynasty for only the privileged and wealthy people. In China, kindergarten starts when you’re three years old, and in America kindergarten starts at age five. In China, education is very important so that kids learn to work hard and that they can accomplish all of their dreams. Their parents have very high expectations and they hope that their kids will take all of their opportunities. Chinese people have many opportunities for education whether they are poor or rich. This seems important to me because they can all be equal and depending on how hard they work they can achieve what they want. For example, in the movie we watched the family said that their kids had to have all grades above an A. The parents were be very disappointed when ReeRee had a B+. Also, she would have friends over to hang out and they would only study and do school work. I think that in China, they are very determined to get good grades.

    1. Education is one of the most fair systems that work in China. Regardless of whether you are poor or rich, everyone has to pass the exam to get into college and not everyone can get into a college.

    2. you are a very strong writer! i like how you used examples to support your claims. you had a few gramatical errors like "the parents were be very.." that is osmething small but still makesthe reader pause and think about it.

    3. I like how you used examples like more people becoming doctors to show how valuable education can be to a country. It is nice to think that China has such a high percentage of educated people. Maybe in years to come, other countries will be able to increase their percentages of people who attend to school to percentages similar to China's. It is remarkable to think that so many people in a country with such a large population are able to go to school, regardless of how much money they have.

    4. I liked the way you compared the two societies in a statistical stand point. I didn't know that over 99% of children in China have had 9 years of schooling. I think that really tells you something about the Chinese nation and how they are really stepping up in a lot of aspects, including education.

    5. I like how your response really gave us a good background on how strongly the Chinese feel about education. For example the average child having 9 years of schooling.

    6. This is a great reply! One point to note is that while Chinese students enter preschool at the fourth grade and have more average years of education than Americans, a decent number of those years are spent simply learning the language

  7. Olivia Scott

    Chinese Education standards

    Chinese culture differs from many other cultures because of their belief that you will only succeed if you work for it. This simple notion is what allows the Chinese to be some of the most driven people in the world. Just simply by watching the video "worlds strictest parents" it is completely evident that every child in Li family has a certain amount of pressure put on them to succeed. For example the youngest daughter of the Li family said that her father was upset with her when she received a B. This seems relevant but also very foreign to me with my parents. Although my parents try to instil in me that getting good grades is imperative to succeeding in the long run, I have never felt the immense amount of pressure that might be put on the Chinese children to succeed in their education. As shown in the video, the British teenagers didn't really care for their education and were more focused in the "fun" aspects of life. I think that the British teenagers really went through a culture shock when they entered the Li's home. Not only did they go into the household with the prerequisite that this would just be a fun place to be and that they could continue with their nonsense and not be turned down for their bad behaviour. The Li family was not in any way ok with the obliviousness of the Brits, and made them volunteer at local shelters for troubled people. I believe this was a major shock and really put their lives into perspective. The Chinese education is so important because the children are told that they will be in charge of their parents, meaning that they will have to supply and pay for their parents daily living. This is a big deal because it puts a certain amount of pressure on the children to succeed in earlier years so that things will be easier in the long run. I believe that the Chinese belief that you have to work for what you have is very important in life.

    -Olivia Scott

    1. It's good you relate to your own experience - I am learning new things from reading your writing.

    2. I also think that it is important to work hard for what you want in life, like the Chinese people. However, I think it is important for you to set your own goals for yourself, and be able to think for yourself. So, I think that the Chinese kids should get to decide what they want to do more, but not too much because they don't want to become like the British kids.

    3. I think that part of the reason the Chinese feel so compelled to succeed in school is because they will have to provide for their families in the future. I also think that part of the reason that the Chinese want to be so successful is so they can get better jobs. It seems to me that many Chinese seek respect, which they can earn by achieving good grades and getting jobs that require a higher education.

  8. Michael Rasberry
    Period 3
    Understanding Cultural Differences

    The Chinese cultures differ in many ways such as respect levels and expectations in life. In the video we viewed, we saw British teenagers that were very rebellious to their parents live with a strict Chinese family. We saw that the Chinese parents were strict about how well their kids do in school and the kind of respect they should have. We can also see that the way things work around that household can be completely different than how things work in your own household. For example, the Chinese families have their youngest person in the house serve food to others, and they do that to show their respect to their elders. In my house, my parents usually serve me food because that’s the way it is in my household. The education system in China is also different. The Chinese people believe that you need to have good grades and do phenomenal in school to be very successful. If you are not at the very top of the class in schoolwork, then you are considered to be weak. The students in China compete to be in a great school, which is like the oxford of China. They must maintain good grades in order to succeed and beat people in life. What we should take from the Chinese culture is their work ethics. They believe that to be successful and they have a lot more pressure on them then most other cultures. The Chinese culture is very efficient with what they believe and it is working quite well for them.

    1. I like how you compared aspects of chines culture to your culture. It made your paragraph very relateable and interesting.

    2. Good job relating to your own experiences, it enriches the writing.

    3. It is interesting how in Chinese culture your grades are correlated with your strength and willpower. In our culture, we often try to defy that stereotype of grades determining your intelligence, but the Chinese are all about it.

    4. I like how you compared our two cultures with examples from your own life. For example, in your house hold you said that your parents serve you and how in the Chinese culture it is more different because the kids serve the children and this shows how much more responsibilities children in the Chinese culture have.

    5. I liked how you deceived the differences of respect from the two cultures in there households. It really shows a clear difference between the countries and there expectations.

  9. In the Chinese Culture it is a tradition to show your deceased ancestors and your parents respect and also to remember them. Some examples of the Chinese honoring their ancestors is the Dragon boat festival. The Dragon boat festival is to remember your deceased ancestors and also the legend in which the emperor drowned and the Chinese people put rice in the river so the fish would not eat the emperor. To this day people go out in boats every year to put rice in the river to remember their ancestors and also to remember the emperor. Another example of the Chinese people worshiping their ancestors is the people visiting their grave sites and saying prayers and the offering of money, gifts and food on days like the Ghost festival and the Qingming festival are given. This shows how the Chinese people have a very strong belief in worshiping and respecting their elders. We also saw this in the Worlds Strictest Parents video when two disobedient British teens lived with a Chinese family named the Li’s for a week. Before coming to the Li’s the teens disrespected and did not listen to their parents at all and felt that they were in charge rather than the parents. The Li’s like most Chinese families does not put up with any disrespecting or disobedience. The teens got to see how the Li’s responded to their bad behavior. The teens also got to see how well respecting the Li children were and how they never disobeyed their parents. In my opinion , I feel that the Chinese culture is very good and I like how they respect their elders but after watching the video about the Li’s I think that the parenting style is too harsh on the young kids and puts too much pressure on the kids . An example of the parents being over the top is when the father was mad at her daughter for getting an 89 in English class. In my house my parents still may not be excited that I got an 89 but they definitely would not have been mad at me. This just shows how different our cultures are and how in the Chinese culture it is much more stressed to respect your ancestors and that education is very important.

  10. China's society has, since the time of Confucious, been based on respect toward elders, hard work, and limited entertainment. In America, there is a greater focus on creativity, finding one's own path, and enjoying youth, something which appears to be completely foreign to the children in the Li family. These kids, even with relatively lenient parents (to parents in China) hardly ever rest. The viewer might think there is a trace of relaxation to come when they visit their friends' house. However, it turns out that they just study with their friends, before going back home and continuing to study. One of the rules in the Li household was that no grade below an A was allowed.

    On the other hand, the British children did drugs and alcohol, partied at night, and went home the next morning expecting a full breakfast and a warm welcome from their parents. Strangely enough, they often received it. Because of these actions, school and general education falls to the wayside and below even Cs. The society in Britain is, in many areas, so lenient that this type of behavior is expected, where in even our area it would be disgraceful.

    Because the Chinese and British cultures are so different, the British kids struggle to fit in to the Chinese Family. The girl, who had hardly worked a day in her life, essentially refused to put in effort at the non-profit group that was helping recovering addicts. The boy, who barely talked to his mother except to complain, snuck cigarettes into their house and then asked to smoke them. He left the house, hoping for peace, and an opportunity to smoke, found that the Lis followed him everywhere he went. This "culture clash" is a very interesting example of totallly opposite parenting methods. By the end of the video, the kids relent a little, but the Li family stands strongly by their methods.

  11. Aidan McHugh
    Chinese-American cultural differences

    When watching the video in class, I was shocked at the foreigners actions at home and while they were out being social. The things they did and their personalities differ greatly from kids around here, let alone Chinese children. So when they came to a strict Chinese household, the two British teenagers experienced quite a bit of culture shock. The Li’s are a family that accepts nothing less then perfections from their two children. When one of the children got a B+ on their report card, the father was appalled. This is different than the British kids because their parents were fine with them getting low c’s and d’s. When in the new house, the teenagers had a lot to accustom to. The Chinese family allowed no smoking or drugs, and I think this is maybe since the Li’s mother and father never partook in any of that themselves. I feel as if the mother and father both lived strict and hard lives during their childhood, so they think it’s best if their kids do the same. However, the British kids were not accepting of this censoring of their activities. They tried profusely to sneak cigarettes, but the Li’s meticulous chaperoning withheld them from such. The kids were not at all ready for the hardships they’d experience in this household. The Li’s do not accept any kind of swearing or disrespect, and this is one thing out of the few that is parallel to my family. If I swear or show disrespect at my mom she gets very offended and upset. The two teenagers regularly disrespect their parents and face no repercussions for it. They tried to do the same to mother and father Li, but their kids instantly defended the parents. The British kids have also grown up very independent, when in Chinese families and culture co-dependence is a way of life. A family depends on each other until death; the kids are expected to take care of their parents once they are old. You could see this in the Li family; the oldest daughter served the rice and helped with dinner. Both of the Li children are also very well mannered, while the teenagers are rude and disregarding. Living in that household for a week really taught the British kids a thing or two, and it exploited the cultural differences both of them face and experience.

    1. Good analysis of the film and the action of the Li children, creates greater sense of thoroughness.

    2. It seems like this video showed unbalanced perspectives of both sides-- the Chinese family was more lenient than most, and the British families were far more allowing than most western families.

    3. In the British household, the two kids were able to get away with more and were able to do basically all the opposites that the Chinese household demands we're. You did a great job describing the differences.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Chinese and British culture have many differences. So when two british teenagers were sent to live with a chinese family, they experienced great dificulties due to these cultural differences. Chinese culture is very uniform and work-oriented, while british culture on the other hand is much more open and free. Chinese students have much more added pressure than british students because school is their lives. If they don't suceed in school, they will not suceed in life. British kids have much more freedom and things to do because they don't go to school as much as the chinese and they have more of a socila life because school is not as critical in Britain as it is in China. Parenting in britain is also a lot different because they are not as strict as chinese parents and due to this drug use and drinking amongst teens is a lot more prevelent is britain than china. This is evident in the show because the british kids drink and do drugs while the chinese kids are hardworking and smart.

    1. Good analysis of the core differences they face. For what reason is it that you think British kids blatantly have more freewill and just a lighter attitude in general? I think it'd be interesting to discuss.

  14. In the Chinese culture many things are different than the way things are done here. The parents are very strict and protective. The Chinese have very high standards and expectations of their children and do not accept grades below a 90. In the video I noticed that the British children act out by smoking, drugs, alcohol and pretty much anything else they want to do until they arrive at the Li’s house. Once arrived at the Li’s, the parents had already set out a sheet of specific rules and immediately expected them to follow each and every one of the rules without a problem. After some confrontation the British kids finally started to cooperate with the rules and they noticed that the Li’s children have cooperated with their parents’ rules their whole life and now approaching college they will become very successful due to the help of their parents and listening to what they say. My parents do not allow drugs, smoking, or drinking just like the Li’s but a difference is that my parents are a bit more tolerate about grades and let me be more free or independent than the Li’s let their kids. In conclusion, the Chinese children have very strict upbringings but as you can see the result in the end is very positive as they end up very smart and successful.

    1. Great connections of the video and your life. However, do you ever think about what'd it be like if Chinese parents ruled your house? I think the differences would be substantial.

    2. I like how you compared the two cultures of the British kids to the Chinese kids and how disobedient the British kids are and how the Li kids were raised o be respectful.

  15. Chase Hackett
    Mr. Wang
    16 March 2015

    Chinese parenting is much different from American or British. In the film we watched the British teens were very poorly mannered and did not have the slightest bit of respect for their elders. The parents of the British did a poor job of teaching their children and let them run their own lives which turned them out to act the way they do. There is three types of parenting authoritative, democratic, and permissive. Americans are known for being democratic, they care about their children and expect them to behave. But at the same time give them so free time and let them express their opinions. British parenting is permissive to the point where they don't care enough and their children develop bad habits. Chinese parenting is a hundred percent authoritative, they do not let their children express their opinions and you must follow what your parents say no matter if their right or wrong. There needs to be a clear median between these three forms of parenting, where the parent sets rules but at the same time lets the child create their own opinions and make their own decisions. With this form of parenting kids will be productive but not overly stressed and still be able to live a fun life.

    1. Absolutely! The three characterization of types of parenting - very insightful! Totally true.

    2. Loved how you compared the two cultures. It really gave me a clear understanding to how they both work and how much they can effect a person. Great job !

  16. Hunter Sheffield
    In the movie “Worlds Strictest Parents” we see a Chinese American family who has a very well established set of values that they have taught to their children. The parents want their kids to work very hard in order to become successful and they want their kids to respect them and their judgment completely. When the British kids come into their household they completely disregard these values and try to fight the parents every step of the way. I believe that the parenting in Britain is much less strict than that of the Chinese families. The British kids seem to do whatever they want when they are home; they party, do drugs and don’t help their parents or themselves. The family values of the Chinese American family are much more strict than that of the British Families according to this movie. I believe the Chinese families strict method of parenting is much more effective than the laid back parenting of the kids in Britain. I believe the Chinese way to be more effective because it makes the kids understand that their parents are looking out for their best interest and they want them to work very hard to make their life easier in the long run.

    1. I agree with you that Chinese families just want the best for their children and it is demonstrated through there strict rules and school guidelines.

    2. It is interesting to think how the British parents want their kids to do well, but don't take the initiative in directing their kids. They need some lessons in parenting.

  17. Scarlett de L.C

    Asian and Western civilizations are very different in their own ways. For example the Chinese believe that respect is extremely important. In addition they believe that the younger, less experienced, should show the up most expect to their elders. Ergo the reason the Chinese/American family, in the film we watched in class, was completely mortified at how disrespectful the British teens were. On the other hand western civilization is very lenient when it comes to manners. Few people seem to think that respect is important. Our society has become worse and worse whereas in other countries the bar is set higher for proper conduct. Furthermore, the country in which we live in is very different from Asia and that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is a “bad” different. Also the traditional way that meals are served in America are very different from those of Asia’s. We serve each other or ourselves whereas in china the youngest serves everyone at the table. In addition Asian civilization is ancient and western civilization is very young in comparison. Even with its many differences the two civilizations have a few things in common. For example America is the biggest importer of Chinese goods, along with china owning a lot of our debt (western civilization). These two civilizations, thousands of miles away, and thousands of years apart both are strong and extremely vital for the structure and better good of the countries around the world.

    1. Detailed analysis of the deterioration of western culture, and the lack of respect for elders.

    2. I like how you gave your opinion on each culture. I think that American culture is better is some ways because everyone is respected more equally and the youngest doesn't have to do everything. Also, I like how you connected America's and China's economy.

    3. I thought that you compared the two cultures very well. It is interesting that you said that the American society is getting worse nad worse and other countires socities are thriving, I think that is a interesting point of view.

    4. Many people may feel that the great emphasis the Chinese place on respect is a little extreme. However, as you said, I think that is partially due to the lack of respect many people of the western civilization show. After staying with the Lis, the British teens realized that it wasn't unreasonable to show respect toward your elders and parents.

  18. Will Visgilio
    Mr. Wang
    Chinese Culture

    The Chinese culture is very unique and has a very strict policy. There is difference from the Chinese culture in China than there is in the Chinese American culture. When we watched the film about the strict Chinese American household has a very strict contract, and if you don’t meet demands, there will be severe consequences. The Chinese lifestyle is very pronounced about education and being successful. In America, if you don’t get into a good university there is still the chance that you could be successful, but in china you are forced to get good grades and go to a good college because you will be guaranteed a wealthy job after school. Being successful is very important to any culture, but in china it is a demand. America had many great university’s and educational systems, but the Chinese will choose to come to school here in some circumstances. Its two very different cultures and its what makes this world go around in my opinion. Its two countries that are widely respected, and I believe that’s why the United States and China have a good relationship on a social scale, and the cultures are a big part of that.

    1. Thorough description of the similarities and differences between the two cultures.

    2. I liked your comment about how in China you will not get a job if you do not go to college and in America you might be able to get away with working instead of going to college.

    3. Will is an animal when it comes to these responses. Great research and always know how to get the job done. Just an amazing writer. Good job Malfoy.

  19. Ellie Wiese
    Mr. Wang
    Chinese I
    19 March 2015

    No two families will ever raise their children the same way as another might, but in each culture most families follow the customs and ways of raising their children and running the house to some degree. In Chinese culture eldest member establishes the order in the household and family. And almost all Chinese education as a main focus point for their children's lives. They all know that their kids or their own success in education will help them to move forward in life. The Chinese families strictly enforce the guidelines and rules for their children's grades and with this the kids strive to please their parents. I feel as though in some ways this is similar to Americans and in some ways is not. In America, although we do value our education and how it is able to help us later on in life, we also don’t mind a little down time to enjoy ourselves. I find that although there hard work, perseverance, and determination make them better scholars and keep them from trouble, people do need time to hang out with friends and relax. Without a little down time, you cannot participate to your full potential. Different ways work for different cultures and we as humans need to accept that people are different and do things differently. With a little more acceptance, the world will be a much more accepting and friendly world for us all.

    1. I liked how you said that no two families will be exactly the same, even if they are a part of the same country. I think that there needs to be a balance between strict and too lenient in order for it to be a good family, too. I liked that you compared and contrasted the two countries by talking about how they use and feel about education.

    2. I thought it was strange just how much the children's lives revolved around academics. Even when they joined their friends, they still were studying together. And when they went outside, it was for community service. While they may be effective, I don't think it's a good way to grow up.

    3. I lked the way you compared the two cultures. Chinese education as being more strict and they know that if they dont get a good education than there lives will suffer. Rather, in America we like to have some time for our selves. Interesting.

    4. I think that you very accurately described the cultural differences between China and America when it comes to education. The Chinese are strong supporters of education and have little time to pay attention to things that do not concern school. In contrast, Americans do care about their education but they spend more time doing other things, such as playing sports, than focusing on school. Many kids in China aspire to be doctors when they're older while many American kids dream of being sports stars.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Family is a very large part of Chinese culture. For example, contrary to modern culture in countries such as America and the United Kingdom, the youngest member of the family serves the parents, including cooking dinner. Furthermore, complete respect for the parents, despite anything, is demanded. Talking back, even if the parent in question is wrong, is completely unacceptable. Also, they practice ancestor worship, further displaying the fact that respect for ones elders, even the deceased, takes a primary role in the culture. Respect for those of greater age than you is largely based on the belief that with age automatically comes wisdom. Parents oftentimes teach their children the values of not only respect but also the importance of education. In China, the educational environment is very competitive. There is a lot of pressure to achieve, not only because the schools are very difficult to get into, and the tests very difficult to do well on, but also because many Chinese families only have one child, and the parents have placed all of their hopes and dreams on a single person. There are, however, some similarities between western and Chinese families. There is less stress on education by western parents than Chinese, but it still takes an important role. Furthermore, many families of both cultures have a no-tolerance policy regarding use of illegal substances. In my opinion, there are many advantages and disadvantages to both ideologies. The stress on respect and education means that Chinese children are oftentimes more responsible in daily life, as well as smarter in school. However, the policies of Chinese families have the potential to limit creativity. Western culture, despite allowing high expression of the individuality of a child, perhaps it is too much, and there is room for insubordination within children. These rigid differences, even as families from all cultures move between countries, show that when mixed, a culture maintains its rigidity.

  22. Ashton Bohan
    Mr. Wang
    While watching the video on the British students moving into the Chinese family’s house I was shocked on how different and disciplined the Chinese culture is. The British culture is found to be a more relaxed and less disciplined culture. In the video we watched in class the 2 kids did not obey to the Chinese families rules. The British students had it a lot easier, not in a good way though; the British students would smoke, do drugs, party all the time and disobey their parents. Chinese families are a lot different, they are more focused on their elders and a lot more disciplined. The youngest person in the family is to serve his or her elders at the dinner table. This is done as a sign of respect. The children of the Chinese family were both very respectful to their family and there community. While watching the video I noticed while the kids were doing some community service, the British teenagers were very lazy, complaining every second about how it’s too hot out to work or that they want to go home. These actions that the British have performed are not acceptable in the Chinese culture. In my opinion I feel that a kid that is 17 years old or older that he should be able to make healthy decisions while still listening to his or her parents as well because they are the ones that raised you.

    1. I agree with you about how 17 or older you are able to make life decisions but also not disobey your parents. There is a happy medium between the American and the Chinese culture.


  23. In the Chinese culture order is established by the oldest male in the house. They are expected to be respected by everybody else in the household. Also families show respect for their deceased by visiting the grave sights and cleaning them and also decorating them. The respect for elders is because they have been on the planet for longer and have more experience in the world and know best. Chinese families teach their children that success in life depends on education and the success in a person’s schooling. This is very similar to my parents because they tell me that I need to do well in school in order to become successful and get a well-paying job later in life. Education is also very important in China because it teaches a lot of self-discipline and is the key for a successful life. In the film the children were not expected to get a grade lower than a ninety otherwise there would be big consequences. Among family members in the Chinese families there is a lot of respect and are expected to show respect at all times to the elders. IN the movie we had watched in class it showed the cultural differences between the Chinese and British culture, the Chinese culture shows a lot of respect the elders meanwhile in the British culture the kids had sworn at their parents. Also in the Chinese household drugs and alcohol are unspeakable meanwhile it was normal for the British kids. In my opinion the Chinese culture id a lot better for a person and has a lot of a more positive impact on a person and will help them later in life in becoming successful. I also had really liked the value of the youngest serving food at dinner because it teaches respect for people in the household at a very early age.

    Andrew W.

  24. Brendan White

    Chinese parenting is very different from other cultures. In a Chinese family the eldest is the most important and the most respected in the family. The youngest serve everyone at dinnertime. Also the Chinese family follows very strict guidelines set by their parents and their elders. Each must keep a 90+ average in every class and they must do all of their homework and study a lot. The British teens are very unlike the Chinese. They do not have any interest in doing well in school nor having a future. All they want to do is party and drink and smoke. It is all that they do and do not even study. The British parents do not discipline their kids and they just let them go around doing whatever they please. The British parents should at least be scolding the kids. Showing them right from wrong and good from bad. Without that kind of guidance then the kids will just go onto the wrong path in their life. I believe that this is present in many different cultures as well and not just in British ones. Some kids go on in their lives without a proper role model or family member that they can look up to and who can get them onto the path of a good life. One complete with good grades, a caring home, and some nice rules.


  25. In the Chinese culture order is established by the oldest male in the house. They are expected to be respected by everybody else in the household. Also families show respect for their deceased by visiting the grave sights and cleaning them and also decorating them. The respect for elders is because they have been on the planet for longer and have more experience in the world and know best. Chinese families teach their children that success in life depends on education and the success in a person’s schooling. This is very similar to my parents because they tell me that I need to do well in school in order to become successful and get a well-paying job later in life. Education is also very important in China because it teaches a lot of self-discipline and is the key for a successful life. In the film the children were not expected to get a grade lower than a ninety otherwise there would be big consequences. Among family members in the Chinese families there is a lot of respect and are expected to show respect at all times to the elders. IN the movie we had watched in class it showed the cultural differences between the Chinese and British culture, the Chinese culture shows a lot of respect the elders meanwhile in the British culture the kids had sworn at their parents. Also in the Chinese household drugs and alcohol are unspeakable meanwhile it was normal for the British kids. In my opinion the Chinese culture id a lot better for a person and has a lot of a more positive impact on a person and will help them later in life in becoming successful. I also had really liked the value of the youngest serving food at dinner because it teaches respect for people in the household at a very early age.

    Andrew W.

    1. Although I agree that the Chinese culture is important, I do not think that i would like it a lot better than my own family. You said that it will get you a sucsessful job but I would not enjoy myself in the mean time.

  26. Difference between Western and Chinese Family Values
    In every family, there are certain values that exist and rules that need to be followed. But, not every family’s values are the same. For example, in many Chinese families, the youngest child in the family serves the elders their meal before their own. In western families, many people do not have this same tradition. Instead, they all eat and get their food at the same time. Another difference between the Western and Chinese family values is the degree of strictness. Chinese culture prides itself on raising children who have great amounts of respect for their elders. In most western cultures, adults and children are more equal than in the Chinese culture. Although there are many differences between western and Chinese cultures, there are some similarities as well. For example, both of these cultures usually have rules that everybody in the family follows, in order to keep the family connected. In every culture, there are advantages and disadvantages between their way of life but that does not make one better than the other. Each culture is unique and has something that makes different from all the rest.

    Maeve Kolb

  27. Thomas Ward
    Mr. Wang
    Chinese 1
    Chinese Families
    In traditional Chinese culture, the most common structure of the families features a natural deference of the young to the elders. Children almost always serve their parents at dinner, and it is common for parents to move in with their children once the parents retire. A constant and universal respect for elders is present throughout all aspects of Chinese culture. It is considered a great disrespect to even use the wrong term in referral to an elder, let alone disrespecting them in any other facet.
    Contrasted with Chinese culture, Americans’ attitude towards elders tends to be one of equality. Often times children speak as equals to the parents, the parents serve their children dinner, and instead of elders moving into their childrens’ homes, often times they are admitted to nursery homes. All of these show that American culture lacks the institutionalized deference to the elderly displayed in the culture of the Chinese.
    In many ways, the structure of the Chinese family is superior to the structure of the American family. While respect is almost demanded in China, and to disrespect your parents or grandparents is unheard of, oftentimes in the United States the lack of an expected universal respect can lead to the opposite path, one of disrespect. While these cases are rare, and no means indicative of the average American adolescent, one is much more likely to see an American child disrespecting their parents rather than a Chinese child. While parents are not always right simply because they’re older, and oftentimes the child is correct in their complaints, it’s a better blanket policy for the child to constantly defer to their parents, and maintain a constantly respectful home environment.

  28. Chinese parenting is very different from American parenting. Chinese parenting is primarily based on a belief in hard work, while American parenting is based on the belief in innate talent. Overall, Chinese and other Asian American students do far better than other ethnic groups in school, especially in America. It is not based on an innately better IQ. Instead, this is based on the parenting style of the Chinese. Stressing hard work above everything else, Chinese parents push their children above and beyond what the children believe is the best that they can do. Instead of giving up on a difficult piano piece, Chinese parents drive their children to work and work and work on it. It is this authoritarian model that causes such a high rate of success in Chinese American families.

    This is very different from the normal, lackadaisical American model. With a much more hands free model, American students perform lower than Chinese students. I personally was raised by a pseudo-Chinese parenting style. Pushed hard by my parents, I have no doubt that I wouldn't be as successful as I am today without this parenting style. Of course, it has its limitations, especially as children grow older, but I believe that this is clearly the superior style. Hard work comes above all, and it is this motto that drives true success.

    1. Hugh is a great student and does a phenomenal job expressing his feelings about the chinese and american culture. Great examples. Thata baby hugh.

  29. Ellie Wiese
    Mr. Wang - 3
    Chinese I
    20 March 2015

    Family Posting Responses
    Hugh Cipparone
    Good job on the response I liked how you were able to link your own experiences with what you were writing about. I too was raised like that and I agree that with a little hard work, anything is possible. You did a really nice job.

    Maeve Kolb
    Great response! Good job in comparing and contrasting the two different cultures. You supported your opinions/statements with lots of good evidence and examples. Maeve, good job on covering all topics.

    Emma Paynter
    Great job supporting all your facts and statements (Even with a few statistics) with evidence. I like how you connected the hard work and lots of school to being a doctor. You covered a lot of information. Amazing job.

    Mike Rasberry
    I like how you were able to focus in on one or two specific things yet still manage to discuss all-important information. Good response.

  30. In China the parents are very strict and rigid on their children. The father establishes the order in the family by always be the head of the house. Ancestor veneration is how the chinese people worship their deceased ancestors. They respect their elders by having specific names for older people. The main value the parents try to teach their children is to respect their elders and other people. Education is very important in the chinese culture because all the kids do is study and do their work. They go to school for longer than the american culture. And they study a lot on the weekends and week days. The family members all respect each other and treat each other with respect and honor. The chinese and american are so much different from each other.
